

新闻@雪 新闻@雪




斯诺有这么多伟大的工作在进行! 感谢你们所做的一切,从欢迎开始 stakeholders to campus and making sure they have an incredible experience to helping 我们现在的学生到达终点线到五月. 在我们的办公室,我们还在继续 to work through this year’s legislative decisions and prepare for all of the fun and 奖励年终活动. 这是獾的大好时代啊!

Transparent, honest, and direct communication is important to me, and I hope the tools 我们在过去一年中实施的措施都是有用的. 如果你想知道发生了什么 or why we are taking certain actions, talk with your supervisor or vice president. 我们都是一个队的! 如果你需要回顾一下,下面的信息可能会有所帮助.

  • 市政厅会议记录 - 3月的会议包括立法会议的摘要.
  • 毕业典礼上的细节 -我们希望你能和我们一起庆祝我们的学生!
  • 年度目标更新 -谢谢你尽你的一份力量帮助我们取得成功!
  • 关于HB 261的常见问题 - We are still waiting for guidance from USHE on this diversity and inclusion bill, 但这是我们所知道的.
  • 意见箱 -我们喜欢听到进展顺利的地方,以及我们可以如何改进.
  • 简报档案 -这些是每月发布的,让你了解最新情况.
  • 新闻报道 - Catch up on some recent news – and submit your ideas for stories to share. It’s 很高兴看到大家在社交媒体上分享我们的好消息.
  • 活动日历 -你们中的许多人做了这么多! 我们邀请您支持我们的学生和同事 通过参加即将到来的活动.

You might be interested to know that the Utah State Board of Higher Education appointed Geoff Landward to serve as the Commissioner of Higher Education today. I have really enjoyed working with Commissioner Landward and feel confident 他会成为这个系统的优秀领导者.

之所以真的没有像雪一样的地方,都是因为你. 我的门永远 open, and I appreciate your talents, contributions, and impact that only you can make. 让我们继续沟通,共同努力. 快乐的春天!




雪的大学’s Machine Tool program contains both Manual Machining and Computer Numerical 控制(CNC)加工指令. 机械加工技术是一种制造过程 that creates a desired shape by removing unwanted material from a larger piece of material. The removal of material is measured to the thousands of an inch and creates everything from medical instruments to components in the aerospace industry.

The machine tool program is designed to give students a basic knowledge of machining skills. Items covered include: math, blueprint reading, conventional lathe and mill operation, feeds and speeds, grinder operation, and the operation of computer numerical 控制(CNC)车床和铣床. 以前在数学概念上有困难的学生 such as X Y axis quickly apply and thoroughly understand these concepts as they move 通过这个项目.

学生将获得结业证书,该证书可叠加为A.A.S. 在工业 力学.

Students who complete the program are getting jobs with 企业 throughout Central 沿着瓦萨奇前线和犹他州西南部. 这并不罕见 student start at $25 to $30 dollars per hour with full benefits at many machining 企业. 向艾伦·哈特致敬,感谢他多年来的建设和 运行程序.




What a year it has been thus far for 雪的大学 on the Richfield Campus and its 只会越来越好.

雪的大学 Student Association in Richfield held their first election for the Richfield 2月任校学生副主席. 4名优秀候选人参选 活动. After great voter turnout 莱特波特 was elected as the VP of the Richfield Campus. Porter was appointed as the VP for the 2023-2024 school year has been vital to the growth of student leadership and student participation in student life events 在里奇菲尔德校区. 里奇菲尔德学生协会希望继续下去 growing and providing more opportunities for student involvement and representation with the creation of two new Senator positions to be appointed for the 2024-2025 school 年度(技术教育及通用电气).



麦奇Dyreng 并行招生顾问
坦纳克拉克 兼职体育
约翰·纽鲍尔 兼职的舞蹈
凯尔Daybell 瑞奇菲尔德校区PT EMS讲师
凯瑟琳·西尔维斯特 PT学术顾问


雪的大学 and Ephraim City signed a lease agreement for the historic Ephraim Co-operative 商会(合作)大厦. 这份为期15年的租约遵循了上述条款 in the June 2023 proposal and will allow the college to manage and preserve the facility.




祝贺雪领导学院的最新一届学员! 他们最近 他们已完成培训,现正接受新的申请.

This program was developed to build institutional leadership capacity among faculty and staff at 雪的大学 and assist with fulfilling our mission and strategic plan by providing support of faculty and staff in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Apply Now



David Barker took Construction Management students to Las Vegas for the International 建筑商展示比赛. 学生队在与 programs from around the nation and was recognized with "Rookie of the Year" award. Great job.

Congratulations to the three 雪的大学 faculty members selected for the highly competitive CAORC (Council of American Overseas Research Centers) Faculty Development Seminars. Liberty Peterson赢得了柬埔寨奖,Allan Stevens赢得了蒙古奖, 和英格利希·布鲁克斯一起去墨西哥. 干得好!

3月19日,数学系举办了一年一度的数学竞赛. 近400名学生 来互相竞争,展示他们的数学技能. 它总是一口井 run, well received event that schools and students look forward to each year.

2月24日,数学和科学部门举行了一年一度的科学奥林匹克竞赛. Over 275 students from dozens of middle and high schools attended the event which features 各种测试他们STEM技能的竞赛. 活动范围从Code Busters到forest 道路学者和更多. 49名教员提供了超过250个小时的时间 在这个事件中. 学校和学生都很喜欢它.

A few lucky faculty members returned recently from the Red Rock Great Teachers Retreat in Moab. This is an awesome conference in which teachers learn from each other about 教育方面的最佳做法. 老师们,明年找机会去吧... 你不会后悔的.



雪的大学's Sevier Valley Center has been a hub of activity and excitement throughout the month of February, hosting a variety of tournaments and community events that brought together athletes, families, and spectators from across the state.

该中心以1A/2A/3A/4A Jr .拉开了这个月的序幕. 高州摔跤锦标赛. The young wrestlers displayed their strength, agility, and sportsmanship in a series 激烈的比赛,用他们的技巧吸引观众. SVC对此表示欢迎 the 1A, 2A, and 3A State High School Wrestling Championships, where wrestlers from 各个学校都在争夺最高荣誉. 高能量的比赛和激烈的竞争 demonstrated the dedication and passion of the athletes as they battled for victory.

As the month progressed, the center hosted the 1A/3A girls and boys State Basketball Tournaments, showcasing the skills and talents of young athletes from different schools. The intense games and electrifying atmosphere created memorable moments for both players 粉丝们也一样.

In addition to the sports tournaments, the Sevier Valley Center also played host to the Jordan Circus, a beloved tradition that brought joy and wonder to local families. The colorful performances of the circus performers delighted audiences of all ages, 为社区创造珍贵的回忆.

Overall, the month of February at the Sevier Valley Center was a celebration of athleticism, 人才,和社区精神. 我们对我们的奉献表示衷心的感谢 employees for their incredible hard work and long hours these past few months.