

新闻@雪 新闻@雪




Many of you know that I have been a student and teacher of business for a long time. I’m finding that my business background was a good preparation for my current role. It’s been helpful to recall my training in marketing, accounting, economics, management, and entrepreneurship, but I’ve realized what is most valuable is what Fortune 500 公司认为他们最重要的资源是人. 在PG电子官方免费下载,我们 是在和人打交道吗.

谢谢你! for being kind, competent colleagues who show time and time again that we 没有失去人性. 这种个性化护理是我们最与众不同的服务之一 特质,这对那些与我们互动的人会产生影响. 当我们接近 工作,我希望我们都记住,个人最重要. 我们的学生想要和期待 to have a good experience in your class, at your window, or in your office. 我们的同事 想要被尊重、被倾听、被理解和被欣赏.

Please come and enjoy the many activities taking place this weekend, and invite your 朋友和家人来体验雪学院! 一旦人们与我们的学生互动 and employees, they can’t help but recognize that what we have is exceptional. 一个重要的 part of what makes us special is that people – students, colleagues, and community 成员——最重要的!




With the school year well underway Technical Education programs are actively promoting and marketing their programs to high school students and staging industry connections. Industrial Technology faculty brought back manufacturing day with resounding success. 163 selected students from 14 high schools were on the Richfield campus to meet and talk with sixteen local industries scattered throughout our communities. 众多 high school instructors commented about the outstanding success of this activity. One instructor said, “I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the manufacturing 这可能是我参加过的最好的一次. 我真的很喜欢和当地人聊天 employers about how they are working with 雪的大学 for jobs. 我真的希望更多 students had the opportunity to do this and see the possibilities. 有很多 of good jobs out there that do not require a four-year degree and I think that would 真的吸引了很多学生. 再次感谢你把这些放在一起。”. 其他 BTE programs are planning similar engagement opportunities for high school students 整个学年.




TRIO programs are a group of federal outreach and student services programs in the United States designed to support and assist individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds 在追求高等教育的过程中. TRIO计划的主要目标是增加 access to higher education and help students succeed academically. 雪学院运营 two TRIO programs within on campus within 学生事务 under the direction of Mike 安德森. These programs include Upward Bound, and Student Support Services.

Each year the regional TRIO program (incorporating six states) extends the TRIO Aspire Rising Star award to a professional serving in these programs who demonstrates excellence in their work of supporting students, and who have been involved in TRIO programing 不到三年. 来自PG电子官方免费下载学生支持服务的Mardee艾伦 团队于2023年10月10日获得Aspire新星奖.

We congratulate Mardee on her recognition of excellence in the work that she does 帮助学生成功. She and her colleagues do an incredible job of helping students 在Snow建立成功. 这在持久性、保留性和完成性中都很明显 他们所服务的学生的资料.



泰德·欣克利 附件-音乐
奥布里华纳 附属-剧院
Shirlene艾碧 PT管理. 助理-学生事务及招生管理
克里斯蒂·索伦森 PT护理临床讲师-里奇菲尔德校区
凯莉•伯吉斯 PT教练-美容Richfield校园
詹妮弗·海瑟薇 兼职媒体服务/IVC护理助理
吉娜·奥格登 里奇菲尔德校区助理注册主任
希瑟Waegner 兼职摄影工作室和设备经理
塞尔玛约根森 住宿生活行政助理,以法莲校区
尘土飞扬的Pulsipher 助理足球教练
米娅费尔南德斯 Part-time Academic Advisor - Early Athletic Intervention Specialist, Ephraim Campus
马克·克里斯琴森 兼职学术顾问,以法莲校区
Audry桑德斯 兼职学术顾问,以法莲校区


On behalf of the 雪的大学 工作PEOPLE员 Association, we invite all staffers to learn more about our GRIT Center and our Human Resource Departments at this months’ executive 理事会会议.

GRIT中心 will host the meeting on Monday, October 16 from 1 PM to 2 PM. We will have delicious treats and healthy options for our members as we also report on our monthly Association events and plans like the annual Halloween party and costume 比赛.

“The new open meeting format allows us to be more available to fellow members and showcase the wonderful work that our staff performs for 雪的大学,” said Lisa Laird, 职工会会长. 近30人参加了9月份的会议 另外28名员工通过微软团队参加虚拟会议.

The board is also looking for volunteers for the six committees it sponsors and for the following roles: Public Relations (newsletters and 雪的大学 communications) 和宪法更新工作组. 我们还需要三名工作PEOPLE员代表我们的 斯泰西·麦克杰夫校长的大学委员会. 留意那些自我推荐的邮件 为这些角色做好准备!

Representing permanent part-time and full-time staff, the 雪的大学 工作PEOPLE员 Association offers professional development, wellness activities, social events, coordinates employee 福利和额外津贴,还有更多. 信息 雪.edu/staff.


A warm welcome back to all 教师 and especially to new 教师 members that have 今年加入我们. 这是一个与其他有能力、有上进心、 有服务和团队精神的同事. 我们邀请你们所有人加入雪的精神.

This year, Snow 教师 and 工作PEOPLE员 are invited to wear their 雪的大学 clothing 每周五. Show your Spirit of Snow by wearing the Orange and Blue Badger Attire 每周五都有. 去獾!

教师 are encouraged to actively participate in the committees they are a part of. We are fortunate to have this role in the administration of our school. 尽你的本分 以积极的态度引导雪的方向. 干得好!

The Natural Science and Mathematics Division has a few announcements to make:

  • Annular Eclipse Event in Richfield: The Science Division is presenting activities 等. in conjunction with the Eclipse Event in Richfield on Saturday, Oct 14. eclipse is in the morning so come in early and enjoy the celestial show and activities.
  • Science Division Seminar occurs each Thursday at 4:30 in GRSC 154. 部门成员 and other scientists present exciting and informative information that all students 其他教师可以将其纳入他们的终身学习. 包括款待.

An invitation for information: 教师, please send any information of events, awards, 激动人心的场合之类的,对海蒂来说.johnson@雪.Edu或Matthew.gowans@雪.edu 以载于通讯内. 我们想分享你做的所有美好的事情 和整个斯诺社区. 谢谢你!!